All posts by admin485


for_blog_3The hottest hair trend on the runway (and the Red Carpet) is the perfectly tousled look. Sexy rumbled tresses is not a new style – it can be attributed to the 1970’s natural flowing, textured (and sometimes wavy) hairstyle that borders on the side of ‘bed head’. Kate Moss has effortlessly brought this look back in vogue. In recent Fall runway shows, hairstylists were using Kate’s tousled look as inspiration.

The secret to getting it right is using our layered hair extensions to create volume and layers and the right styling tools and products.

There is a method that will work with thin hair, thick hair, curly hair, thinning hair, straight hair, damaged hair and more.

There is not one BEST method that will work for everyone. What will work for your hair, may not work for someone else. This is why it is very important to schedule a consultation with a stylist that offers different methods so you can compare and decide which method is best for your hair.

Attaching and removing them requires special training and education.

If you end up going to a stylist that has no training and is inexperienced, you could end up with permanently damaged hair.

There are no regulations or imposed standards in the human hair industry. There are many unscrupulous suppliers.

Hair Extensions require extra work on your part to maintain and keep healthy

Many stylists advertise that you treat extensions just like your natural hair, with no extra special maintenance required. The fact is that long hair requires extra work. It takes longer to wash, condition, blow dry and style. If you don’t take care of long hair you will quickly have damaged hair.

Hair extensions have come so far today that they are really undetectable, when attached by an experienced stylist. The skill of the stylist will eventually determine if the extensions are well disguised with your own hair.

You can get beautiful long hair just like all those celebrities and no one will know you are wearing them- unless of course you tell them.

But, there is much more involved than simply scheduling an appointment. If you go with the wrong stylist or pick the wrong method you could end up with damaged hair and spend a lot of money.

Contact me at to determine which hair extensions method would best suit your particular needs, desires and budget.


blog-4The goal of having long, strong hair can be achieved. There are a number of treatments and regimes that can help your hair to get there, however there is one very important aspect that must be taken into account in order to make success more attainable. What is it, you ask? Loving the hair you were born with! With the number of “tortures” many of us have subjected our hair to, it’s a miracle that we have any hair left at all. With the dominance of weaving techniques in the beauty industry, neglecting our God-given hair has become commonplace for many. We’ve talked to many sisters that have literally hidden their hair away under a weave or wig for so long, and feel the damage to their natural hair is so severe that they have just given up on it and sworn allegiance to hair weaves for life. But it doesn’t necessarily have to go down like that.

We love weave styles and the creativity they afford. However, what’s going on under it all is important. You are beautiful, and your hair deserves to be so as well, whether you weave it or not. If you want added length today, go for it…add a few tracks. Just remember to go the extra mile with your hair-care regime to keep your natural hair healthy.

Start by loving your hair. Even if it is damaged, you can improve its condition. All it takes are the right products, consistency, and patience.

Nurture your real hair with regular shampoos infused with conditioning treatments. The way you handle your hair when it’s wet is crucial, it’s in its weakest state. Make sure to massage your hair carefully. Check your fingernails and make sure that they are filed smoothly so that they don’t snag your hair each and every time you shampoo. While shampooing, think about some of the common ways to expose your “so fresh and so clean” hair to on the regular.

Another important question to ask yourself is when blow-drying your locks,  exactly how hot does your dryer get? How much heat are you subjecting your hair to? How about straightening and smoothing it with a flat iron? Or are you going for world’s hottest curling iron? Before any of it, prep the hair with a conditioning treatment, which will help to save the hair and counter the negative effects of heating appliances.

To keep your long style healthy remember to ask your stylist about deep conditioners.